Thursday, February 6, 2014

What We Sent Our Compassion Kids... February

My kiddos are so excited about our Compassion Kids writing day and this is only our second scheduled one! So quick recap on what's going on... the 6th of each month we have set aside to write to the children we have sponsored through Compassion International.

This month we are sending off a package about where  live... We included a map of Canada and a couple of postcards:

Each of the older children did a drawing of their favorite place in our town:

And a letter written on beautiful free printable stationary.

What are your favorite places in your town?  What are your letter writing ideas? 


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just LOVE that you guys do this each month! It's a wonderful thing, and a huge challenge to me personally. I would love to incorporate it into my school activities for the kids. Keep up the wonderful, inspirational work Sarah!

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