So Nana (my mother in law) is a great at choosing educational gifts for my kiddos. For Hudson's birthday he received Playful Patterns from Discovery Toys .
Here's why I love this toy! It starts out super easy. Just match the foam shapes to the shapes on the card. Being successful right off the bat is a huge confidence booster. Then it introduces something slightly more difficult.
Like two quarter circles make a semi or 1/2 circle and 2 semi circles makes a whole circle. Then 2 squares makes a rectangle...
The most fun we had was learning about 2 triangles making a parallelogram.
As we move through the cards there are patterns and pictures for Hudson to fill in with the foam shapes. Love love love this resource!

Note: I was not compensated in anyway for this post. Just think this is a cool toy and Sara Boyes is a friend of mine who sells Discovery Toys.
We had that as kids. Going to have to get one for Matthew :)
Love those kind of pattern blocks! We have a Melissa and Doug set that is similar.
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