Monday, September 30, 2013

Pinterest Art

It's been a while since I've done an "I saw it on Pinterest" post... but this week we busted out the art supplies and created a couple of Fall masterpieces inspired by ideas on Pinterest.

Project #1: Dot Tree
We varied from the original Pinterest idea by using Do A Dot markers first... then filling in the spaces with smaller dots made with cotton swabs... such a lovely Fall tree.

I am finding that Hudson is not nearly as interested in artsy things as Meadow... so I got sneaky and added a gun full of hot glue to the equation...

I love watching coffee filters absorb and distribute paint... it's nearly as memorizing as watching a flame.

Such a pretty result... 

What have you been inspired by on Pinterest lately?  Have you done anything you've pinned?  Tell me about it...


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can I come to your school? I have a huge pinterest list of to-dos that never seem to get to-done!

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