Friday, October 24, 2014

Delaney School... Counting Bears and the Letter A

Yay for Delaney school!  I finally feel slightly organized in this department... I am thrilled to be starting letter of the week themes... beginning with letter A of course.

I busted out the tangrams... and they were a big hit with little and big kids alike.

I discovered the blog The Measured Mom this week... There are some fantastic printables there to download and use.  Here Delaney is creating apples on her "baby a" with a red Do-A-Dot and a green marker.

Another The Measured Mom printable is this counting bears sorter... we added a dice and played a game of put "this many" red bears in the red bear circle...etc.

How lucky was I to come across these build a letter sheets from Confessions of A Homeschooler?  They are the perfect accompaniment for our current tangram obsession  interest.

What went on in your homeschool week? What are your kiddos current passions?

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