Saturday, September 27, 2014

A Little Totschool Report

Delaney lights up at the chance to "do school" in the school room.  She is only with the big kids and I in the morning and then she heads for a nap after lunch while we work on project time.

These baskets of fruits and veggies are a staple in our tot school day... we play "what's hiding under the basket... sort colors and feed various dolls and stuffed animals.

A little magic coloring... no mess but lots of fun and fine motor skill development.

We went on a field trip to the museum and participated in cave drawing.  By the end and with the addition of red paint Delaney's cave drawing looked like a record of a massacre.

Gymnastics has been a super fun activity for Delaney... she loves being in the class with her friends... and not gonna lie her Minnie Mouse legging are a definite attraction for her.

Monsters!  Delaney loves monsters... She often wants to be called the Gruffalaney and asks if I can see her knobboly knees.  So crafting her own monster was quite thrilling.

What are your tots up to?  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cuteness overload!!! We love the Gruffalo (and his child) and the fruit idea is an awesome one! Now I need to keep my eye out for some plastic fruit!
Great job Delaney!!

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